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                                                                             The RYBO AFO helps circumferentially control the tri-plane motion of the subtalar joint and helps limit the sagittal plane motion of the tibia over the talus. The brace also limits future tendon degradation and lessons soft tissue irritation. Relief is also achieved by constraining the relationship of the calcaneus to  the long axis of the tibia and fibula, limiting medial and lateral calcaneal movement. Medial collapse of the ankle is also restricted, increasing mobility and range of motion while reducing pain.




The RYBO AFO is ideal for maximum control of non-operative management of PTTD, Charcot, and numerous other prominent clinical indications. The RYBO AFO has become THE alternative to invasive surgery.




The most common indications for the RYBO AFO are listed below. New indications are shared with our office weekly. Please don’t hesitate to tell us your success story!



RYBO Function
The Surgical Alternative
Clinical Indications

•PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction)

•Severe Pronation, Pes Planus

•Ankle Arthritis

•Charcot Foot

•Tarsal Tunnel

•Ruptured Fascia

•Ankle, Subtalar, or Midtarsal Trauma

•Talocalcaneal Varus or Valgus

•DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease)


•Tibialis Tendonitis

•Chronic Ankle Sprains

•Achilles Tendonitis

•Drop Foot

•Ankle Instability

•Lisfrancs Injury

•Post Fusions

•Sinus Tarsi Syndrome


The RYBO AFO is ideal for maximum control of non-operative management of PTTD, Charcot, and numerous other prominent clinical indications. The RYBO AFO has become THE alternative to invasive surgery.

The most common indications for the RYBO AFO are listed below. New indications are shared with our office weekly. Please don’t hesitate to tell us your success story!